Should you be going ALL IN with Live Streaming?

Yesterday, Angus and I went LIVE on Facebook and discussed all things Live Streaming. Should you, as a health practitioner be going live on social media? How do you go Live? What do you need to go Live?

We answered these exact questions in the video below.

We get it, some of you are nervous to go on video and the thought of that video being LIVE just freaks you out. Some of you just need a little nudge to get you to take the leap into Live video. We hope this video provides the knowledge and motivation to get you to use Live Streaming to its full extent.

We’ve been saying for ages that video is the way of the future AND it’s LIVE video that’s going to have you stand out amongst the noise of your competition.

Go for it!

If you have any feedback, questions or comments, please let us know – we’d love to hear from you.

Keep saving lives

Angus and Tony


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