Episode 19: Dr Martin Harvey, Communication Mastery: How To Build Lifetime Relationships With Your Patients

Practice Multiplier 6, Building life time relationships is one of the keys to a thriving practice. when our patients return to see us again and again, it helps them get better results and takes us of the hamster wheel of being dependent on new patients every week. Angus and Tony sat down with Dr Martin Harvey this week to talk about what causes our patients to stop listening and how exactly do we go about building lifetime relationships.

Martin has spent the past 20 years investigating why people do what they do and how we can ethically influence our patients to help them get the results they really want. After years of diving into the influence literature he developed a brilliant communication model that helps you to meet your patients where they are while providing a road map to move them to elevated levels of health and wellness.

In this episode you’ll learn:

  • Why people do what they do⁃How things have changed in patient communication in the past 20 years
  • Why simply telling your patient doesn’t work...Martin will tell you what to do instead.
  • The communication mistakes that many of us make each day that are repelling our patients
  • and much much more.

Dr Martin Harvey

Dr Martin Harvey is inspired by the potential that chiropractic care has to transform the health of our communities. He is the immediate Past President of the Australian Spinal Research Foundation, is a sought after speaker and leads a multi-doctor family practice in Melbourne, Australia. Martin was awarded the Chiropractors Association of Australia (Vic) “Chiropractor of the Year” Award for 2012, Parker Seminars “2010 International Chiropractor of the Year”, and was honored as an inaugural Member of the Australasian College of Chiropractors.

Marketing Your Practice
Marketing Your Practice
Episode 19: Dr Martin Harvey, Communication Mastery: How To Build Lifetime Relationships With Your Patients


ADIO Media, Dr Angus Pyke, Dr Tony Rose, Healthcare Marketing, marketing podcast, Marketing Your Practice Podcast, MYP Podcast, Video Marketing

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