Stephen Franson: How To Attract The Masses

How does your certainty impact on your ability to attract new people to your practice?

In this episode Angus and Tony chatted with Dr Stephen Franson about the correlation of Certainty and Attraction.

Having now coached thousands of Docs, Stephen has a WEALTH of knowledge on what makes practitioners successful.

Dr. Stephen Franson is a living, breathing billboard for the Wellness Lifestyle. Steeped in fifteen years of clinical practice and application of wellness principles, Franson’s interface with a vibrant family practice affords him a unique prospective of what works in health care – and what doesn’t.

As the owner operator of one of the most robust wellness practices on the planet, his time is spent in the trenches with families that are simply looking for a better way to better health. He is an exceptional clinician, passionate teacher and great student of behavioral science.

Franson was named All-State and All-American Chiropractor by his peers, is a sought-after international Wellness speaker, author and teacher of the Wellness Lifestyle. He was voted one of the Most Influential Chiropractors under 40 in 2009.

Marketing Your Practice
Marketing Your Practice
Stephen Franson: How To Attract The Masses


ADIO Media, Chiropractic marketing, Dr Angus Pyke, Dr Tony Rose, Healthcare Marketing, marketing podcast, Marketing Your Practice Podcast, Video Marketing

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